terça-feira, 29 de setembro de 2009

RojoOut Urban Stages, São Paulo

After São Paulo city officials ordered graffiti clean-up crews to leave work by Os Gemeos and other famous São Paulo street artists alone, art collective and magazine Rojo asked the city's Urban Development Department (EMURB) to allow them to tap artists like Tofer and MWM Graphics to help spice up drab concrete structures across the city

Sponsored by Smart, the just-completed project commissioned Rojo-affiliated artists to paint 11 concrete structures including air-vent columns and blank walls across São Paulo over a few weeks. Nuria, Tony de Marco/Superblast and Eltono got on scaffolds to paint, while MWM Graphics, Ovni and Tofer scaled and drew their work but handed it off to collaborators to carry out.

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